Our Publishing service is a Print-on-Demand publishing service. Once you submit your manuscript, we will contact you to make sure we fully understand your publishing needs. Within a few days we will begin the publishing process. If you have elected to have your manuscript edited, we will begin the process by editing your book first. This is the most time-consuming portion of publishing a book and we do recommend that you have your book professionally edited to enhance the readability and desirability of your book. Your manuscript will go through several edits and it is more than likely that we will be contacting you to clarify things in your book. Your book may be in the editing process for several months. Some of it will depend on how quickly you can provide the needed information and the reviews from your friends, colleague and relatives.
You must own the material in the book and cannot plagiarize anyone else’s work. When using a quote, you can paraphrase someone else’s writing but when you quote it directly, you will have to obtain copyright permission from the owner of the work; this can be both a tedious and costly process. Tedious if you have to wait a long time for a response and costly if you have to buy the copyright.
As soon as the editing process is complete and you have reviewed your book in detail, we will ask you to sign off on the interior contents or provide any final changes. Once you sign off on the final contents, we will begin the layout of the book interior while we are also working on your book cover design and contents. Again, we will ask you to review the book cover and sign off on it before we finalize the book. After the book is complete, we will file the copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office if you have elected to have us file it for you.
Other things to know:
- We prefer that your Word Document have basic/simple formatting since your manuscript will be imported into publishing software for a professional book layout.
- We do not publish books that are profane, heretical, obscene and anti-Christ.
- The barcode and ISBN number for your book is included in the price.
- Some people already have their book copyrighted so we did not include the cost of the copyright but if you would like us to copyright your book with the U.S. Copyright office, you may add that item separately to your cart. Please note that all books that we publish are copyrighted to the Author.
- If you need professional editing (light or extensive), please let us know and we will provide an estimate based on the manuscript you submit. How much editing your book needs depends on how long your book is and how well it is written, i.e., the grammar, sentence structure, transitional sentences, titles, and subtitles, the flow of thoughts, etc. We are happy to review it and discuss it with you.
- When we edit a book, we create the table of contents, help you with the preface, acknowledgement, organize the reviews for your back cover, and any other things pertaining to parts of your book interior.
Please contact us to find out more about additional services we offer and to obtain a price quote for other options and publishing needs. We have options for ghost writing, light editing, extensive editing, color interiors, hardback covers, book size options, U.S. Library of Congress copywrites, music copyrights, etc.